The Grand Canyon Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, USA began the Ministry to the Rural Poor. Carlos Gutierrez began a very small scale Food-For-The-Needy operation out of personal vehicles. This initial mission effort focused its work in the Goodyear-Avondale area distributing food to refugees, migrant workers, the homeless, and the poor. An old Luke AFB War World II barracks building on 2nd & Harrison St. became a permanent location for food bank operations. A clothing store was soon added and the facility became known as the Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank.
Maricopa County offered AFFCB the use of a larger and more modern building. This building at 405 E. Harrison Dr. in Avondale remains today as the current location for the Food and Clothing Bank. Also in 1996, AFFCB entered into an informal partnership with the Westside Food Bank, which permitted Agua Fria to receive a wider selection of government and donated food items.
The Grand Canyon Presbytery called Reverend Renato Alvarez, an ordained Presbyterian Pastor, as the full time director of the AFFCB. Programs and services for those in need soon expanded into worship communities among Latinos, pastoral care for families, showers for the homeless, food and baby care items for infants, Thanksgiving and Christmas food packages, and school uniforms.
As the operation increased its scope of service and activities, AFFCB incorporated as a Non-profit 501(c)3.
A second Food and Clothing Bank location is opened in Tonopah, Arizona. Thus expanding its services into Tonopah Valley, which is a rural area of more than 6,000 people.
The Board of Directors appointed Anthony Amezquita as an Interim Director at the Food Bank.
Leanne Leonard is hired full time as the Executive Director of the Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank, by the Board of Directors.
William Concentine is hired as the first part-time Operations Manager for AFFCB.
AFFCB is accepted as an approved AZ Charitable Tax Credit Organization and joins the Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce.
AFFCB Tonopah location closes for remodeling.
May 18th AFFCB holds it's first ever fundraising event Strike Out Hunger. $23,000 was raised to help purchase new vehicles and a fun time was had by all in attendance at D-Bat Avondale.
June 1st AFFCB's Tonopah location was reopened after receiving a new roof, all new windows, new siding, central heat and a/c, a new computer, and free wifi.
June 14th AFFCB was honored to receive the Community Impact Award from the Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce.
In June AFFCB purchased a new refrigerated van and in November they purchased a new refrigerated box truck with a liftgate.
March the AFFCB Avondale clothing bank closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In August AFFCB purchased and installed a brand new walk-in freezer.
June of 2021 AFFCB Avondale closed it's lobby for expansion and remodel. Services continued outside in the parking lot in a drive-thru format.
January 1st the AFFCB Tonopah location closed permanently.
On May 4th the newly remodeled and expanded AFFCB Avondale lobby reopened and began providing showers again.
After being closed for over 2 years AFFCB was finally able to reopen the clothing bank 2 days a week.
Karen McLaughlin
Jessica Martinez
Amapola Judd-Shimp
Bobbie Mastracci
Executive Director
Operations Manager