TEFAP is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) program and it is directed by the State of Arizona through St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance. It is a program for families and/or individuals who are in an emergency food situation caused by job loss, government benefit loss, illness, low paying jobs, poverty, etc. An emergency food box is available once a month from one food bank location, at no cost, through the completion of an application form and proof of valid identification and current address.
Daily Lunches: AFFCB provides daily lunch sacks for those who self-designate as homeless or those without the ability to store or cook food.
Daily Showers: AFFCB provides showers and shower kits, at no cost, for individuals that do not have their own shower facilities.
The CSFP is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) program that is directed by the State of Arizona through St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance. The program serves seniors, age 60+, with an emergency supply of senior specific non-perishable items. The food supplements their diets with nutritious USDA commodity foods that are designed to provide protein, calcium, iron and vitamins A and C. A CSFP box is available once a month from one food bank location, at no cost, through the completion of an application and re-certification process.
At Thanksgiving and Christmas, food boxes are distributed to a predetermined list of recipients based on an application process, at no cost. At Christmas, gifts for children are included as available through the efforts of local churches and organizations, as well as individual donations. Applications for both holiday programs take place in the month of October each year.
Once a year AFFCB provides children who live in the service area and who attend a school that requires uniforms, with 2 brand new tops and bottoms as well as other school supplies, as donations allow, at no cost. This program is by application only, which takes place in the month of May each year.
AFFCB provides 25 babies a month, from birth to 12 months old, with supplemental formula, food and diapers. Families are included in the program based on need and availability, and must complete an application form. The items are distributed the last Thursday of the month.
AFFCB offers families and/or individuals in need caused by job loss, government benefit loss, illness, low paying jobs, poverty, etc. the opportunity to come in once a month for gently used clothing at no cost with proof of valid identification and current address.
Mobile Pantry distribution is free and open to the public. A variety of fresh produce and other food products are provided. Food is distributed in a drive-thru method. We ask that guests remain in their vehicles and when directed open the hatch or truck of the vehicle so food can be loaded. It is encouraged that guests clean out their trunks or truck beds so there is enough space for volunteers to load the food boxes.
Guest will be asked their name, zip code, date of birth, and number of people in their household. No proof of income is required.
Barbara Robey Elementary School
5340 N Wigwam Creek Blvd Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
1st & 3rd Saturday of every month
November - April: 6:30am-8:00am or until product runs out.
May - October: 5:30am-7:00am or until product runs out.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.